Property criteria

Minimum Property Standards

We want to help landlords provide quality homes to their tenants. This means we will only lend on properties that meet certain minimum standards.

Read more here

Property concentration exposure limits

The Mortgage Works will consider its overall exposure by applicant, geographical area and development when assessing applications. These exposure limits are per applicant and the number of units include securities mortgaged to other lenders and/ or unencumbered properties. The maximum concentration that can be considered per development is:

Development Size/Road Maximum Concentration
1-3 Units 1 Unit if a purchase application.
  • For remortgages we can consider up to 3 flats, in a block of no more than 3 flats, providing the applicant has owned each of their flats for at least 12 months.
4-20 Units 25%, rounded down to the nearest unit
21+ Units

Maximum of 10 in a postcode up to the first digit of the second grouping (e.g. BH2 6)
Up to 5 in the exact postcode (e.g. BH2 6EP)

Minimum property value/purchase price

£50,000 (apart from HMO which will need a minimum property value of £100,000).

Scheme abuse

The Mortgage Works customers aren’t allowed to live in the Buy to Let property at any time and will be in breach of the terms and conditions of the mortgage contract should they choose to do so. Where this is the case, The Mortgage Works's policy is to give the customer a period of time in which to vacate the property, or instead remortgage to a residential loan. If a customer fails to comply with these terms, this may lead to legal action being taken against them, which could ultimately result in The Mortgage Works taking possession of the property.

Valuation criteria

  • Leasehold properties must have a minimum lease of 70 years at application.
  • The valuer must be satisfied that there is a market for any property taking the lease term into consideration.
  • Although an application may meet the guidelines above, the property may still be declined by the valuer, e.g. a mortgage application in England for a 20 year term with a 71 year unexpired lease is within policy, but the valuer may advise the property is not readily marketable and saleable and we will therefore not consider the property as suitable security.

Construction types

Traditional Construction

The following are regarded as traditional construction and normal lending terms apply:


  • Cavity outer walls of brick/reconstituted stone/block (including rendered walls) with inner walls of brick or block.
  • Timber framed property with outer walls of brick/reconstituted stone/block (including rendered walls), built 1970 or after.
  • Solid stone (eg limestone, granite).
  • Cob - or any regional variant (for example cobb, clom and Wychert).


  • Tile (concrete)
  • Slate
  • Thatch (reed or straw)
  • Felt, asphalt
  • Copper, lead

Spray Foam Insulation

If spray foam insulation has been fitted in the wall voids of the property, then the valuer will decline the property.

Where spray foam has been installed in the rafters, frame, and/or underfloor structure, the property will initially be declined by the valuer, but can be reconsidered with evidence of either:

Confirmation the installation of the foam is in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, and

  • The full pre-survey suitability report including details of the materials/isolating card
  • The condensation risk assessment
  • Evidence of BBA certification
  • The warranty/guarantee provided of the installation and insulation. This warranty must be transferable upon sale of the property to the new owners.


A Chartered Building Survey (FRICS or MRICS qualified) should be instructed to undertake an invasive inspection. They'll need to report on the frame integrity. Where it requires remediation or foam removal work, you will need to include an estimated cost.

Non Traditional Construction

Many properties have been built using a variety of other construction methods. Lending terms vary depending on construction types and if a repair scheme, where appropriate, has been used. Where a property is of non traditional construction please contact your usual Service Centre with the following details for further advice:

  • The name of the type of construction
  • Year built (if known)
  • Flat/terrace/semi or detached
  • Details of any repair scheme if appropriate and if the scheme applies to the whole block (e.g. the whole terrace/both semi's)

The exact construction name is important as lending terms may differ between different types and year built. For example, our lending terms differ between Gregory, Gregory Drury System 3 and Gregory Housing. All three have different lending terms and it is important to ensure you give us the full and accurate name to avoid us giving inappropriate advice.

Modern Methods of Construction

We're supportive of development schemes which incorporate Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), although an MMC scheme must display sufficient robustness, technical rigour and suitability for its location. Due to the wide and constantly changing range of products in the market, each development (not system) is treated independently. Please provide the information below to enable us to consider your development fully:

  • Principal construction materials - e.g. steel frame, timber frame, CLT (Cross Laminated Timber)
  • Details of the roof and wall finishes - please also provide confirmation/evidence of their British Board of Agrément (BBA) or similar accreditation, which should be for a minimum 30 year lifespan (to include fixings)
  • Warranty details - this should be a mainstream warranty accepted by TMW (preferably “NHBC Accepts”). We also require confirmation as to whether the system has Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS) accreditation
  • Any available site specific information regarding the development.

Purpose built flats, converted flats and studio flats

The internal floor area must be no less than 30 square metres. Studio Flats must contain a separate bathroom.

Where the property is a Studio Flat, enter '1' for number of bedrooms.

Property developers

  • Property developers (for example, a person who owns 25% or more of a business whose principal activity is property development) are not accepted.
  • Applications for properties that have been built or converted by an applicant who isn’t a property developer can be accepted, providing the property is fully complete and will be let on completion.
  • Where properties within your client's portfolio are undergoing development, a review will be undertaken to determine if the applicant is considered to be a property developer.

Local Authority flats

We won’t accept former local authority flats in blocks of more than five storeys. This also applies to maisonettes and Scottish tenements in blocks of more than five storeys that were, or still are, in local authority ownership.

Lease terms

  • The acceptable minimum lease term is 70 years. If the lease term is less than this, you must confirm at application that the lease will be extended on or before completion. In this scenario, a ‘Decline’ decision will automatically be produced – we'll then send you a Decline Appeal form which must be completed and submitted together with a letter from the solicitor confirming the following;
    • Confirmation the applicant(s) owns, or is intending to purchase the Freehold Title, OR
    • If the applicant (or the seller as part of a purchase) is extending the remaining lease term, please provide a letter from the solicitor on letter headed paper confirming:
      • Length of lease (years)
      • Date of commencement of lease
      • Ground rent (£ amount)
      • Ground rent review frequency
      • Ground rent increase methodology (e.g. RPI linked) 

We'll only allow lease extensions on new and existing lending when completed under the Leasehold Reform Act.

The valuer must be satisfied there is a market for any property, taking the lease terms into consideration.

  • Please note that there are different limits for acceptable New Build lease terms – see New Build property lease terms above for details
  • Where the valuer believes marketability will be impacted by the lease terms, they may reflect this in their valuation, e.g.
    • Where ground rent escalation is linked to the value of the property or an index greater than The Retail Price Index (RPI)
    • Where lease clauses appear onerous, e.g. disproportionate service charges or event clauses for normal use, such as installing an aerial
  • Some lease terms will impact marketability so severely they will always result in the property being declined, e.g
    • Where ground rent is greater than or equal to 0.5% of the property value, or where the review period is less than or equal to 5 years.
    • Where ground rent doubles in less than 20 years (e.g every 5, 10 or 15 years) or escalates by compounded RPI

These examples aren’t exhaustive, and the solicitor is expected to refer back to us any lease terms they feel may affect the value or future saleability of the security.

Estate Charges

  • Estate Rent Charges, or Estate Management Charges, can apply to freehold or leasehold properties.
  • Charges must be reasonable at all times. Where charges are greater than £500 per annum, we’ll need to be advised what the charges cover so the valuer can assess whether the valuation is affected.

Fire safety assessment

All Multi-storey/multi-occupancy buildings under 11 metres (or 4 storeys or less) in UK and 11 metres or more (or 5 storeys or more) in Wales and Scotland

Where a valuer has cladding or non-cladding fire safety concerns with external wall systems, attachments (e.g. balconies) or any other significant fire safety concerns, they’ll decline the property pending receipt of an EWS1 form.

The form must be:

  • obtained from the building owner (property owner in Scotland). The ‘Client organisation’ on the form must be the building owner and won’t be accepted in the name of the applicant/client.
  • fully completed and accompanied by a headed paper letter from the signing firm which details their area of business, qualifications and confirmation that they've completed the form.

It's the responsibility of the building owner to ensure the signing firm is a member of an appropriate professional body. See the RICS website for more information.

The specialist will complete the form and select either ‘low risk’ or ‘high risk’ and will then choose a rating of either:

  • A1, A2 and B1 - we’ll send the form to the valuer for assessment and where acceptable they’ll provide an amended valuation report.
  • A3 or B2 – we’ll assess the case and let you know our decision. We may request confirmation from the building owner about the remedial building work required and who’ll be liable for the cost of those works. For Scotland, confirmation will be required from the building factors/managing agents acting for the co-proprietors.

Where remedial costs will be covered by the building owner, for all application types, we’ll require confirmation in writing from the building owner that:

  • the EWS1 requirements will be complied with and the building rendered fire safe (i.e. fall within the definition of A1, A2 or B1) on completion of the remedial works
  • the interim fire safety measures are satisfactory
  • no costs or hidden charges will be passed onto the leaseholder (e.g. via service charges)
  • remediation will take place within a reasonable timescale (c12 months).

Where remedial costs fall to individual leaseholders/flat owners

For remortgage and purchase, we’ll consider applications where remedial works have already been paid for and planned/started. This is as long as the building owner’s solicitors confirm in writing that remedial works have been paid for and planned/started. We’ll decline any applications if remedial works have not yet been paid for or planned/started.

For further advances, we’ll consider applications if the funds are being raised to carry out the required remedial works. Further information will be required from the building owner in order to make an assessment, including:

  • the EWS1 requirements will be complied with and the building rendered fire safe (i.e. fall within the definition of A1, A2 or B1) on completion of the remedial works
  • confirmation the interim fire safety measures are satisfactory
  • a summary of the remedial works required and when the works will take place
  • costs the leaseholder/flat owner is liable for and when the funds are required/due to be paid to the freeholder.

All multi-storey/multi-occupancy buildings 11 metres or more (or 5 storeys or more) in England

Following the re-introduction of the Building Safety Fund (and other Government/non-Government schemes), and the launch of the RICS updated guidance on the 6 December 2022 in relation to the assessment of multi-storey/multi-occupied buildings over 11 metres/5 storeys in England, our mortgage valuation criteria is as follows:

Where a valuer has cladding or non-cladding fire safety concerns with external wall systems, attachments (e.g. balconies) or any other significant fire safety concerns, they’ll decline the property pending receipt of the following, which must come from the ‘Responsible Person’ i.e. Building Owner and/or Managing Agent:

  • An Executed Leaseholder Deed of Certificate and Landlord Certificate (where the building is being fully remediated* under a Developer or Freeholder Scheme, these certificates will not be required but all other documentation below will still be needed).
  • Confirmation of any costs and amounts not covered by the Building Safety Fund or other Scheme (i.e. capped/non-capped charges).
  • Confirmation of interim fire safety measures.
  • One of the following:
    • Confirmation from the ‘scheme provider’ that the building will be remediated* under a Developer/Government/Freeholder Scheme, or
    • A Fire Risk Assessment of External Walls report (FRAEW) with executive summary including an indicative rating, or
    • An EWS1 form**, or
    • A letter stating why none of these are available.


  • A signed letter confirming:
    • There are no fire safety issues.
    • They have complied the requirements of the Building Safety Act 2022, and have either an A1/A2/B1 rated EWS1 form or a Fire Risk Assessment of External Walls (FRAEW) report which confirms no work required.
    • There are no fire safety costs for the leaseholder to pay.

* Also, where remediation is planned:

  • Confirmation of whether remediation or mitigation is required – only a brief summary needed.
  • Confirmation of source of funding (including Remediation Order or Remediation Contribution Order).
  • Proposed/forecasted start/end dates.

** EWS1 forms must be:

  • obtained from the building owner. The ‘Client organisation’ on the form must be the building owner and won’t be accepted in the name of the applicant/client.
  • fully completed and accompanied by a letter (on headed paper) from the signing firm which details their area of business, qualifications and confirms they completed the form.

It's the responsibility of the building owner to ensure the signing firm is a member of an appropriate professional body. See the RICS website for more information. 

New Build

On 21 December 2018, The Building Regulations 2018 banned the use of flammable materials on new high-rise homes. Any buildings started after 21 February 2019 should not contain flammable material.

An EWS1 form is required for any New Build designed/constructed under the old regulations (regardless of storey height) if there are concerns around for example wall systems and attachments.

However, we won’t require an EWS1 form for New Builds that have been/are being constructed in compliance with The Building Regulations 2018 (unless upon inspection, the valuer has concerns regarding other elements of fire safety).

If after speaking to the Developer/Sales Agent, the valuer can’t confirm that the latest Building Regulations apply, the mortgage valuation report will be declined pending confirmation from the Building Owner/Developer/Conveyancer as to whether it’s compliant with The Building Regulations 2018. 

Japanese Knotweed

Properties with Japanese Knotweed growing within the vicinity are considered with caution and subject to the following terms:

If Japanese Knotweed:

  • is actually causing visible material damage to a structure, OR
  • is not actually causing visible material damage but is still likely to prevent use of or access to amenity space, OR
  • is visible on adjoining land, but is evidently unmanaged and has the potential to significantly impact the subject property/grounds

Then the applicant will be required to obtain a specialist report in respect of eradicating the plant, including an insurance backed 5 year warranty against re-appearance of the plant, and if necessary, repairs to the property and services will be required for the valuer to make a full assessment of the property's suitability.

However, if Japanese Knotweed:

  • isn't actually causing visible material damage to a structure and isn't likely to prevent use of or restrict access to amenity space, OR
  • is visible on adjoining land but is managed with no potential to significantly impact the subject property/grounds.

Written confirmation is required from the applicant confirming that they're aware of the presence of this invasive plant and the adverse affects it could have on the property should it spread closer. It is recommended the applicant seeks their own independent professional advice regarding the risk this plant might impose.

Building insurance

The Mortgage Works is legally obliged to ensure that adequate insurance is obtained by your client for the property to be mortgaged. Full details may be required in the form of a policy schedule with the interest of The Mortgage Works (UK) plc noted as mortgagee. Switching mortgage products won't affect your client's house insurance.

Post Valuation queries reports

Valuers may request specialist reports within their valuation which are:

  • designed to highlight defects
  • and/or to assist them in obtaining additional information upon which to base their valuation.

The valuer will advise which reports they need. A surveyor will then need to complete all the requested reports. Once completed, you'll need to upload them to the case, so we can refer them back to the valuer for their consideration. We'll only accept reports from qualified firms and professions and they must show a proper detailed inspection has been made. The initial report might certify that the property is not a suitable security. If this happens we may consider it following an independent review by a specialist.

The following are examples of specialist reports that we might request:

Report Criteria
Structural Engineers Report

Valuers may require this specialist report to consider if a property is suitable security and if there's any required works which could impact the value.

For a structural report to be acceptable it must:

  • be dated within the last 90 days
  • be for the whole property and have comment(s) on any specific issues which the valuer has identified
  • be addressed to the applicant and in both names if this is a joint mortgage application. If the report is addressed to a third party (for example the person selling the property), the author of the report must confirm in writing that the applicant, lender (Nationwide) and professional advisers can rely on its contents.

The report must be on appropriate letter headed paper. It must indicate that the Structural Engineer holds one of the below qualifications:

  • Standard - MICE / FICE / AMI Struct E / MI Struct E / FI Struct E
  • Chartered Building Surveyor - MRICS / FRICS
  • Corporate Building/Corporate Structural Engineer - MASI / FASI / MCABE / FCABE / MCIOB / FCIOB / MIEI (Members of Engineers Ireland).
Damp and timber report

Valuers may require this specialist report to consider if a property is suitable security and if there's any required works which could impact the value.

The report must be:

  • Dated within the last 90 days
  • For the whole property

If remedial damp treatment works are required to the property, your client must have cover with a 10-year insurance backed guarantee. Any guarantee issued must be in the name of the applicants, and/or transferable to new owners.

Electrical report

We may require an electrical report if the wiring is old or the property has been extended significantly at some point in the past.

An inspection will involve the testing of all electrical wiring by a qualified electrician:

  • England & Wales - NICEIC, STORMA or NAPIT registered electricians
  • Scotland & Northern Ireland - NICEIC registered electricians