Looking after our customers is important to us. We want to ensure it's easy for your clients to get the support they need to access our products and services. Sharing your clients' support needs will not affect our decision to lend.
Client support needs
How you can help your clients' with their support needs
A support need is anything that will help your client get the most out of their interactions with us. We want your clients to be able to access our products and services without barriers. So, where possible, we will adjust certain processes or how we communicate with them.
For example, it may be helpful for your client to get letters with larger print. Or they need people to speak slowly and clearly, so they are better able to understand information.
Tell us about your clients' support needs by completing and emailing the following form to vulnerable.customers@nationwide.co.uk. You can do this at any point after submitting an application.
Share your clients' support needs
Before you share your clients' support needs with us, please ensure you have asked your client for permission and have their consent to record their support needs with us. You also need to ensure they understand how we will use their information.
sharing client support needs will not affect our decision to lend.How clients' can tell us about their support needs
Your client can also tell us about their support needs. We work with Experian Support Hub, which lets your clients choose which organisations to share their support needs with in a simple process.
The benefits of this are:
- They won't have to repeat themselves to other organisations
- They control which organisations know about their support needs
- They will automatically receive the support they need
- Their personal data is safe and secure
What is vulnerability?
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) defines a vulnerable customer as someone who "due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to harm, particularly when a firm is not acting with appropriate levels of care."
This means a client could be vulnerable if they are in a situation that is making it difficult for them to manage their finances. Examples could include a life event such as bereavement or job loss. Or a mental or physical illness such as anxiety or cancer. Vulnerability can take many forms and below are further examples.
What is a support need?
A support need is something a client has asked us to do to make sure they can access our products and services without barriers. For example, it may be helpful for them to get letters with larger print. Or perhaps they just need people to speak slowly and clearly, so they are better able to understand information.
The full list we currently support is below.
Managing my time This will reveal additional content
Understanding and memory This will reveal additional content
Speaking and listening This will reveal additional content
Mood and behaviour This will reveal additional content
Reading and writing This will reveal additional content
Video and text relay This will reveal additional content
Helpers and interpreters This will reveal additional content
Environment and surroundings This will reveal additional content
Writing to me This will reveal additional content
Ways to contact me This will reveal additional content
Vulnerability toolkit
Here are some tools to help identify if your client has support needs. And how to talk to your clients about them.
How do I identify if recording support needs will help in the future?
Here are some things to consider when assessing whether or not recording your client’s support needs will be the best outcome for them:
- How do the client’s circumstances affect their ability to manage their money?
- Do you think the type of help and support they need is a one off request / short term or is it likely to last longer?
- Are there any barriers that we could remove to make it easier for the client now?
- Will a support needs alert ensure a better or more consistent experience for the client?