Switcher guides and forms


For paper based switcher, DHLL or E-Mex applications, once we have received the application form via email or post, the switcher illustration will be produced and emailed across to you and your client(s). We no longer need signed copies of an acceptance form and you can now accept the switcher offer on behalf of your client(s) by contacting us.

Choose one of our guides or forms to view and download as a PDF. If you need a suitable PDF reader, we recommend Adobe Acrobat. You may find, however, that PDFs open automatically in your web browser when you click on the links.

Derbyshire Home Loans Ltd (DHLL) and E-Mex Home Funding Ltd (E-Mex) guides and forms

If your client has a DHLL or E-Mex mortgage and is looking to switch, they must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • not subject to a Bankruptcy Order or Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)
  • current mortgage balance isn't less than £1,000
  • have more than two years remaining on their mortgage term.

You can view the latest switch rates in our DHLL and E-Mex switching guide. Once you've picked your clients mortgage rate, complete the relevant application form and return it without the clients' signature by post or email to TMWDirect@themortgageworks.co.uk.