Unlock the potential of your landlords' portfolios
Our Portfolio Review offers a clear outlook for your portfolio clients, that is always in line with our lending criteria.
Stamp Duty deadline 31 March 2025. Please ensure you send us all requested documentation for submitted cases. This will help us issue an offer on a case as quickly as possible. Conveyancers need to submit the Certificate of Title to us by Monday 24 March.Tools
Our most popular tools will help you find the best options for your client.
Maximum borrowing calculator
How much can we lend?
See loan amounts and LTVs to suit your client's needs.
Product finder
Have you seen our best deals?
With filtering based on your client's needs, our Product finder does the hard work for you.
Rental income calculator
How much does the property rent for?
Confirm the rental income to cover a range of our products.
Chat with us
Our experienced advisers are here if you need pre-application support.
Mondays - 9.30am - 5.00pm
Tuesday to Friday - 9.00am – 5.00pm
Service updates
Average number of working days from application to offer.
Standard BTL - 10 days
Portfolio - 11 days
Limited Company - 10 days
Average number of working days for document assessment: 2 days

Intercompany loans
Did you know we accept intercompany loans as a deposit for Limited Company applications.
This has been introduced as part of our ongoing improvements to our Limited Company range.
Latest news
Keep up to date on our latest product, lending criteria updates and news, as well as our Landlord Panel Insight hub.